Chomp blog

Compliance Made Easy: Recording Refrigeration Temperatures on Closed Days

Written by Jen-Ni Quante | July, 2023

We've had many reports from our customers that verifiers are requiring evidence that fridge and freezer temperatures are being recorded on closed days.

While we understand that this ultimately guarantees the safety of food and reduces any issues that may occur and potentially go unnoticed during closed days, it can also lead to heightened stress levels and extra work for both business owners and employees.

There is a solution to this problem - automated refrigeration monitoring loggers.

These clever and innovative devices are designed to continuously monitor and record fridge and freezer temperatures, providing real-time data and alerts to ensure that food and beverages are stored at the correct temperature at all times.

Chomp loggers integrate seamlessly with our digital food safety app making fridge and freezer temperature recording super easy even when not on site. This means you can record temperatures on closed days from pretty much anywhere.

10 Reasons to Automate Refrigeration Temperature Monitoring

With automated refrigeration temperature monitoring, food businesses can easily comply with verifier requirements, save time and effort, and most importantly, maintain the freshness and safety of produce. 

Find out more about how automated fridge temperature monitoring works.