Chomp blog

Take a paper cut: it’s time to consider a digital Food Control Plan

Written by Paul Wilson | September, 2017

If your recurring nightmares involve you being buried by an avalanche of paperwork, it’s time to seek help.

And by ‘help’, we’re talking about a digital Food Control Plan (FCP).

Learn how a digital FCP can work harder in your kitchen – download our free eBook.

Protect your precious time and space

In a busy kitchen, you want to free your staff up from being immersed in paperwork, when they could and should be looking after your customers. And space is precious too – you shouldn’t have to worry about files and folders taking up space in your kitchen or alternately hidden in a cupboard - out of sight out of mind.

FCPs are paramount when it comes to remaining compliant and providing a safe environment for your customers– but there is a better way than your out dated paper based system!

When it comes to embracing kitchen technology a digital FCP will not only save your team time, it will protect your customers, and keep your auditor as happy as a clam.

Why switch to a digital FCP?

Even if your paper based plan is working okay, consider how a good digital FCP can make your life easier and save you money.

  • Know tasks are being completed, staff comments address issues as they arise and missed tasks highlighted for quick remediation
  • Automatically stay current and compliant with industry legislation
  • Save money by reducing the hours staff spend recording food safety practices
  • Streamline the audit process (and save money on your auditor)
  • Easily view events and staff comments in real time

The main difference with digital is that it does the remembering for you – freeing up your headspace to focus on the big picture stuff. You simply set up prompts for regular daily, weekly or monthly tasks, as well as alerts about less frequent jobs, like thermometer calibrations or annual maintenance events.

It should also have the function to let you keep records of staff illness, goods received, unexpected breakdowns and maintenance and customer complaints. The 2014 Food Act requires you to keep these records, but without one safe, efficient place to make clear notes, vital details can be missed.

Know the joke about the nut behind the steering wheel being the most dangerous part of a car? (Well, you do now). Human error is often where things unravel – so the more stuff ups you can prevent, the better. A digital FCP should be intuitive and simple to learn and manage, with a clear ‘to do’ list to follow, so it’s intuitive to complete and record tasks - and is so simple to use.

And look for an FCP that comes with a food safety training programme, and ongoing support for staff. This not only prevents mistakes, it also gets new staff up to speed straight away so there’s no time to develop bad habits. Find a digital FCP that lets you do all of the above, and you’re onto a winner.