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Beyond the Menu: Ernest Butch Stern, Mt Hutt Lodge

Butch and Jo from Mt Hutt Lodge

Tell us about yourself. 

My name is Ernest Butch Stern.

I am the meeter, seater, greeter, and FEEDER at the Mt Hutt Lodge at the Rakaia Gorge below Mt Hutt on the South Island of New Zealand.

This is my third restaurant since 1977. I have placed my businesses in small resort areas where I can also partake in lifestyles I enjoy - for 23 years I was on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria where I could walk down the street for great waves. It worked that way in the French Basque lands, where I trained for 2 seasons, the US in Santa Barbara and in South Africa.

I am married to my beautiful wife Jo, and together we run the Mt Hutt Lodge, working, skiing, and playing golf in a paradise known as Mid Canterbury.

butch surfing

Why did you become a chef? 

I was an orphan and had to eat. Then I discovered the 'ART' of cooking and the way the instant gratification of an empty plate leaves you feeling. It's a great feeling.

Describe the atmosphere of your restaurant.

With all of my businesses I have wanted to have my guests feel comfortable.  We were one of the first restaurants in Australia to ban smoking - we did establish a VERY comfortable smoking area.

I want my guests to feel happy and when walking out, say to who they are with - "When can we come back here again?"

What's the signature dish that puts your unique stamp on the menu? 

My "Surf and Turf". My life has been at the beach and a great deal of training has been with a chargrill. I love doing sauces so to have a rib eye with a seafood combination is good fun. I take care of my meats - hanging, rolling, cutting, serving, this is a proper extension of showing my art. The food is piled up and the plates come back empty.

Surf n Turf 2

How big is your team? 

My wife Jo, runs the front, I run the back (kitchen) and we have a kitchen hand and server.

What is the biggest challenge in your kitchen today?

Price fluctuations of products, there is never a problem with supply.

What was your experience with food safety compliance before you had Chomp? 

Chomp has delivered conformity and consistency in food safety both for the inspector and client.

What is your favourite feature of Chomp? 

It's consistent in information to both the inspector and chef.

Has Chomp improved your overall kitchen workflow?

Chomp has eliminated hours of paperwork and simplified the paperwork.


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What's one piece of advice you'd give to your younger self as an aspiring chef?

Listen to your heart with what you believe and enjoy the 999 people who visit and forget the 1 "@$$h#%e" (who is usually the one you remember).

Outside the kitchen, what are you passionate about?

My passions are first with my wife Jo, and keeping our life successful. Skiing, golf, surfing and the sport and time I have spent to level my lifestyle balance with my workload, has always been my goal.

Are you the chef at home as well?

Generally yes! Nine out of ten times.

The Gorge Pic. June 24

Give us a little restaurant plug and let us know what’s new and how to find you.

The days of cooking 200 meals in a session are gone. I'm happy to do 20 and enjoy them all, I talk to each customer at the Mt Hutt Lodge. We are on the Inland Scenic Route, 1 hour inland from Christchurch on the South Island of New Zealand, living in one of the most beautiful places on earth:  www.mthuttlodge.co.nz

Any additional wisdoms?

Life is what you make it - too many people are living a life that just goes on with no reward or lifestyle balance. Be positive and enjoy your time, as too many people don't.